English numbers

There are three types of numbers in english language :
I -Cardinal Numbers:

The numbers you use for counting are called "cardinal numbers", for example:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ten....

Here are some other cardinal numbers you need to remember for counting:

100   One hundred
1,000    One thousand
1,000,000One million
                       1,000,000,000One billion

II-Ordinal Numbers:

The numbers you use to talk about the order of things are called "ordinal numbers", for example:

My horse came in first.
I was the fifth person in line.

Here are the first ten ordinal numbers:

Sometimes numbers aren't expressed in cardinal or ordinal numbers.

Here are a few examples:

Half (1/2)
Single (1)
Double (x2)
Triple (x3)
Quadruple (x4)

A pair/couple (2)
A few (2 or 3)
Several (more than 3)
A dozen (12)
A half dozen (6)

Here are some videos to learn about numbers:

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